How to do Khechari Mudra

1.  The Khechari Mudra is accomplished by thrusting the tongue into the gullet, by turning it over itself, and keeping the eyesight in the middle

2.  To accomplish this, the tongue is lengthened by cutting the fraenum linguae, moving, and pulling it. When it can touch the space between the eyebrows, then the Khechari can be accomplished.

3.  Taking a sharp, smooth and clean instrument, of the shape of a cactus leaf, the freanum of the tongue should be cut a little (as much as a hairs thickness), at a time.

4.  Then rock salt and yellow myrobalan (both powdered) should be rubbed in. On the 7th day, it should again be cut a hair's breadth.

5.  One should go on doing thus, regularly for six months. At the end of six months, the freanum of the tongue will be completely cut.

6.  Turning the tongue upwards, it is fixed on three ways (esophagus, windpipe and palate). Thus it makes the Khachari Mudra, and is called the Vyoma Chakra.

1.  The Yogi who sits for a minute turning his tongue upwards, is saved from poisons, diseases, death, old age, etc.

2.  He who knows the Khechari Mudra is not afflicted with disease, death, sloth, sleep, hunger, thirst, and swooning.

3.  He who knows the Khechari Mudra, is not troubled by diseases, is not stained with karmas, and is not snared by time.

4.  The Siddhas have devised this Khechari Mudra from the fact that the mind and the tongue reach akasa by its practice.

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