Brahmacharya is freedom from
sexual thoughts and desires. It is
control of all Indriyas in thought, word and deed. It is for both men and women. Sri Sankara says: “Brahmacharya or spotless
chastity is the best of all penances. Such a celibate is God indeed.”
Through Brahmacharya get over the
miseries of mundane life and attain health, strength, peace of mind, endurance,
bravery, material progress, psychic advancement, clear brain, gigantic will-power, bold understanding,
retentive memory, abundant energy, power to face difficulties in daily battle of life and
Immortality. One who has perfect control
over sexual energy attains powers unattainable by any other means.
By the practice of Siddhasana,
Sirshasana, Sarvangasana, Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Maha Mudra, Yoga Mudra,
Nauli, etc., a Hatha Yogi transmutes his seminal energy into Ojas-Sakti. By the practice of Navavidha Bhakti (Nine
knowledge Devotion)(Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana,
Sakhya, Dasya, Atmanivedana) and Japa, a Bhakta destroys the impurity of his mind
and fixes it on God.
By the practice of Yama, Niyama,
Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana and Dhyana, a Raja Yogi conquers lust and
attains Kaivalya. A Jnana Yogi becomes
pure by Viveka, Vairagya, Vichara, Sama, Dama and Titiksha. Constantly think of the sexless Atman. Destroy the sexual Vasana. See Atman in all. Reject the names and forms and take the
underlying Essence - Sat-chit-ananda.
Anything that brings impure
thoughts in the mind is bad company. Fly
away from the worldly-minded persons. You will be far away from the danger zone. The magnetic aura and powerful thought-currents of
developed adepts produce a tremendous influence on the minds of lustful people. Have constant Satsanga.
Give proper attention to food. Have Mitahara. Take Sattvic food. Pungent
articles, garlic, onions, meat, fish, alcohol.
etc., kindle passion. Fasting checks
passion, calms emotions, controls Indriyas and helps Brahmacharya. Avoid long fasts.
Remember the pains of Samsara. Think of the component parts of body, viz.,
flesh, bone, blood, excreta, urine pus, etc. Have a strong desire for liberation. This will decidedly help you to destroy lust. Develop ‘Mother’ Bhava towards all ladies.
Have cold hip bath. Get up at 4 a.m. Do not think of a lady. Do not look at a lady. Avert the sexual thoughts by sublime Divine
thoughts. Keep the mind fully occupied. Render your will pure, strong, irresistible. When once the Veerya is lost, it can never be
recouped by taking any amount of Almonds, nervine tonics, milk, cheese, etc.
Veerya, when preserved, serves as a master-key to open the realms of Divine
Bliss and to obtain all sorts of higher achievements in life.
Constantly remember: “Through the
Grace of God, I am becoming purer and purer every day, in every way.”
“Pleasures come but not to stay. Mortal flesh is only clay. Everything will pass away. Brahmacharya is the only way for prolonged