Mental Discipline - based on yoga

It is the mind that really does all actions. A desire arises in your mind and then you think.  Then you proceed to act.  The determination of the mind is put into action.  First there is Sankalpa or thought and then comes action.  Therefore do not allow the sexual thoughts to enter the mind.  No space is empty at any time.  This is the law of nature.  If one thing is removed from a place immediately another comes to fill its place.  The same law holds good in the case of the inner mental world also. Therefore it is necessary to entertain sublime divine thoughts to replace evil thoughts. As you think, so you become.  This is the immutable psychological law.  The vicious mind is gradually divinised by entertaining divine thoughts.

Any subconscious force that affects character grow from lustful look.  You have no lustful look when you see your mother or sister although they are well-dressed and decorated with ornaments and flowers.  You look at them with affection and pure love.  This is Suddha Bhavana.  There are no lustful ideas.  You will have to develop such a pure love or Bhavana when you look at other ladies also.  Looking at a woman with lustful heart is tantamount to sexual enjoyment.  It is one form of Maithuna.  That is the reason why Lord Jesus says: “If you look at a woman with lustful heart, you have already committed adultery in your hears.” Though the first seven kinds of Maithuna do not cause the actual loss of semen, yet the semen is separated from the blood and tries to escape when opportunity comes either in dreams or in other ways. In the first seven kinds man enjoys mentally.

You should have the emotion that ladies are manifestations of World Mother.  They should be adored. This practice is for a beginner in the spiritual path.  Later he should develop the Soul Emotion, i.e., that everything is Self.  Otherwise he will begin to hate ladies and will not develop cosmic love.  The above mental picture is kept up to annihilate lust.  It is a mental discipline.

When you are in the company of ladies, try to identity yourself with the sexless, all-pervading Soul. Constantly make the endeavour.  The sex-idea will gradually vanish and also the attraction and lust also vanish.

You should entertain the mother mood or Godes mood or Soul mood towards women.  Sister Mood will not suffice.  You may fail.  Ladies also should entertain Father Mood or God
Mood or Soul emotion towards males.  Enquire ‘who am I?’   There is no lust in the sexless Soul.

The cultivation of the emotion is very difficult.  You may fail to develop the emotion that all women are your mothers and sisters one hundred and one times.  It does not matter.  Stick to your practice tenaciously.  You are bound to succeed eventually.  You will have to destroy the old mind and build a new mind.  But you will have to do it if you want to attain immortality and eternal bliss.  You will surely succeed if you are fiery in your resolve and if you have iron determination.  The Bhava will gradually manifest by constant practice.  You will be soon established in that Emotion.  Now you are safe.

The mind will again try to do some mischief inwardly.  It is very diplomatic.  It is very difficult to find out its ways and secret underground operations.  It demands subtle intellect and careful repeated introspection and vigilant watch.  All ladies are manifestations of World Mother.  I wish, you practice the same Learning with your wife also.  Make mental prostration and repeat the same Mantra mentally.  You must give up the idea of wife.  It is high time now.  Then you will have quick progress in spirituality.  You must become a perfect Brahmachari now.  

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