What is Kapalabhati

The term ‘Kapalabhati’ means an exercise that makes the skull shine. This Kriya cleanses the skull. So this is taken as one of the Shat-Karmas (six cleansing processes in Hatha Yoga)

When inhalation and exhalation are performed very quickly, like a pair of bellows of a blacksmith, it dries up all the disorders from the excess of phlegm, and is known as Kapalabhati.

When Pranayama is performed after getting rid of obesity born of the defects of phlegm, by the performance of the six duties, it easily brings success.

Some acharyas (teachers) do not advocate any other practice, being of opinion that all the impurities are dried up by the practice of Pranayama.


It cleanses the respiratory system and the nasal passages.  It removes the spasm in bronchial tubes.  Consequently, Asthma is relieved and also cured in course of time.  The apices of the lungs get proper oxygenation.  Thereby they cannot afford favourable nidus (breeding grounds) for tubercle bacilli.  Consumption is cured by this practice.  Lungs are considerably developed.  Carbon dioxide is eliminated in a large scale.  Impurities of the blood are thrown out.  Tissues and cells absorb a large quantity of oxygen.  The practitioner keeps up good health.  Heart functions properly.  The circulatory and respiratory systems are toned to a considerable degree.

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