Showing posts from 2019Show All
The Sex Impulse is Only a Nervous Itching
Remember that you are not this Perishable Body of Flesh and Bones
Lust is a Brutal Instinct in Unregenerated Men - based on yoga
Man is a puppet in the hands of passion - based on yoga
Glory of Sadachara - based on yoga
Fewer the Thoughts, Greater the Peace - based on yoga
Mind is like a Mischievous Devil - based on yoga
Mind is Like a Chameleon - based on yoga
Ethics or Moral is a Means to Yoga
Moral Discipline - based on yoga
Sadachara or Right Conduct, Morality - based on yoga
Garland of Brahmacharya - based on yoga
Disciplined for Success in Brahmacharya - based on yoga
Mental Discipline - based on yoga
How to Keep Up Brahmacharya - based on yoga